V type ball valve is a fixed ball, it is widely used to control chemical, power, textile, food, pharmaceutical, paper and other industries in fiber type, slurry type and other types of fluid for pressure rating PN16 ~ PN64 ( Class150 ~ Class300), soft sealing valve V-type seal with no leakage, hard seal seal level can also be reached Level IV. Like other ball valve, V-type ball valve movement pattern is rotated, with the straight travel valve can overcome the greater the pressure difference compared to the maximum pressure is generally 2.5 to 10 times straight trip valve.
V-type ball valve depending on the application, V-type ball valve can be divided into shut-off valve, regulating valve. Sealing well as cut-off valve. You can replace the O-type ball or gate, as the regulator, good runner simple circulation characteristics, and V-notch ball on the core can ensure the flow characteristics of a small opening when compared with straight-through valve higher Adjustable ratio (300: 1). Since the flow path is simple, small flow resistance, when the flow of the pressure on both sides of the body is also smaller, more suitable prone to cavitation cavitation occasions.
Should you want to know more about ball valve, such as metal seated ball valve from Reliable China valve manufacturer, please visit www.reliavalve.com or email us via sales@reliavalve.com.
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